Thursday, December 2, 2010

Living in fantasy land

I recently interviewed Juliet Marillier for the Bookseller + Publisher blog, Fancy Goods. I was a big fan of her books as a teenager, and was really pleased that the latest one still grabbed me as an adult. You never know, it might even kick off a renewed spurt of fantasy reading - having avoided them like the plague since writing my honours thesis about postcolonialism and stuff (or lack thereof) in Aussie fantasy back in 2006. Those who know me will be pleased to see that I managed to wedge in a (kindly worded) question about why all antipodean fantasy is set in blimming Ireland.

You can read the interview here.

PS. My dear friend kate.o.d over at bean there, read that can often be seen on Fancy Goods too. Check out her latest review here.

PPS. kate.o.d is cool and gives shout outs to her buddies.


  1. great interview lady! i hadn't heard of Ms Marillier, but now i might just have to look up her work... :)

  2. how fun! i feel fancy, being on fancy goods. don't you?
    hannah rules.
